Aiwa XC-35M good transport? Entec245.2?

I read an older thread here mentioning the Aiwa 5 disk via toslink sounded as good at a top transport. What is the current thinking on this "anomoly?" The poster mentioned the DA used had to sound good with toslink. I just ordered a used Entec 245.2 (24/96) Does this fit the bill. WHat is the general thinking on this processor (got it for $250- upgrading from Wadia X32)

ALso the Aiwa XC-35M is discontinued and hard to find. Anyone tried the 37M, it's replacement?

Showing 1 response by emailistsc5f2

Thanks for response- I just got the AIwa 37M today- I was gonna buy it mail order and just have them SHip it to STan, but then I thought I should buy it locally and use it a bit just to make sure I wasn't sending a lemon to be modded.

What does stand do for the $130 beside the digital connection? Any other mods to consider?

What makes this Aiwa (unmodded) so good, especially since it's a changer?