Airtangent vs Kuzma airline

Just bought the JC Verdier platine and want to get a tangent tracking arm.
I have received info and I am leaning towards the Kuzma or the swedish Airtangent .
The EM-2, Airtech MG-1 and the Condustor by the cartdridge man are also in the running but their build quality aren't in the same league from what I can tell in the pictures. How good are they I really don't know.
Opinions, or any comments wound be greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by rgordonpf

I have been in e-mail contact with a person that has a Conductor. He says that the Conductor in his system is significantly better than his ET 2.5. He has heard the Conductor in direct comparison to a Forsell several times and feels the Conductor is also better than the Forsell. As of now the Conductor only comes with a light effective mass arm, which may be a problem depending on your choice of cartridge. A medium mass arm is supposed to be forth coming.

I have read thru the Conductor owners manual. Setup seems straight forward and non-tweaky. The high volume, low air pressure approach makes it very different from the ET 2.5 and other high pressure arms. There is no on-the-fly vta adjustment. However, with a central mounting pillar either Pete Riggles VTAF or the Teres Audio VTA adjuster could be used.

From the pictures I have seen, the fit and finish of the Conductor is not in the same category as a Schroeder. On the other hand, it does keep the price down and probably does not impact the sound quality.

At 1,500GBP, the Conductor is significantly less than either the Kuzma or Airtangent. Though, if I had the money I would buy the Kuzma.