Air Tight PC-1 Coda and more options to upgrade my analog setup

There aren’t many reviews out there for the new Air Tight PC-1 Coda. I’m looking to upgrade my analog setup and it fits my budget and the overall reviews for the PC-1 are fantastic. Before anyone mentions it, yes I will be listening before I buy. I plan on listening to similar priced carts from Lyra, Kiseki, Koetsu, and more.

At the same time debating a phono preamp upgrade. Thinking about the Luxman EQ-500.

Current setup is Rega RP8 (waiting for the new P10 or P12), Ortofon Quintet Black cartridge, to Mytek Manhattan II w/ Phono stage, McIntosh C47, McIntosh MC452, B&W 802D3, with audioquest speaker cabling and ICs, and Nordost Frey 2 PCs. Room is quite well treated and rack is Symposium Osiris. Listening on vinyl is mainly 1955-1975, jazz, rock, and orchestral (Mahler, Strauss-not Beethoven or chamber). (Wider variety with Qobuz digital). Vinyl is all very high quality original or repressings.

Happy to hear any feedback on the setup. What am I looking for? A little more sparkle. Realism. Just more. Maybe a little more bass as well, as I’ve got the C47 set to push bass +3dB. (Tried a sub and it didn’t help in my space and prefer the overall sound of the floor standers by themselves). The system sounds amazing, I just want even more of this amazing. Thanks!
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Showing 23 responses by mayoradamwest

Any thoughts on the Lyra Etna SL on something like an RP10? All fair comments btw. I really appreciate them. I was already leaning towards the Luxman Phono stage. Kiseki and Koetsu seem to have some very good carts around 5k
Thanks all. Great points! On the TT front, I’m open to changes but my preference is less fuss. I do this for the music, and love the minimal hassle of the Rega. That said, I am waiting for the new P10 or P12, or something else - at least according to the reviews and people I’ve spoken with, the existing RP10 is a pretty amazing table. So a TT upgrade is also in my future, yes. As for cartridge, these are all excellent points. 
The Mytek optional Phono stage is supposed to be amazing, but it’s fair that maybe that should be my first upgrade. I presume my Luxman choice is a reasonable one? I don’t know which others I could hear in a similar setup. 
The Manhattan Phono is totally different. The Phono add on alone is nearly as expensive as the Brooklyn (which I also own and also find it a bit cold). I’m going to see if I can try out the Luxman and compare side by side next week. 
Got it. I think that’s what I’ll do. I’m not opposed to a heavier mass arm. I just don’t want the fussiness. What I love about the Rega is that is sounds pretty darn good and I basically just drop the needle without worry. Phono stage first (and probably preamp) and then will evaluate other TT-Cart combos. 
I understand the feedback here yes. I am going to wait to see what the new high end Rega tables are before moving on that. I highly doubt the Rega Phono stage will hold a candle to the Manhattan Phono stage. (Look it up if you haven’t). That said, this is why I am considering the Luxman. I don’t want to half ass the upgrades. The Luxman is a class A component that I can audition and I have access to high end cartridges to audition on the same setup. The main thing I am waiting on is the TT. This is intentional. For cartridges, I don’t want to upgrade another $1000 every 6 months. I do hear loud and clear the TT and cartridge may not be matched. This is why I posted. This is good feedback to do more research and listening. 
Hmm, I’m pretty sure I do understand. The main point is the TT. I want to see what the new Rega’s are when announced (should be soon) before deciding on my next TT. It seems like the immediate feedback is to explore the Phono stage. (Also considering an upgraded preamp)
Btw, I do appreciate all the discussion here. One thing I would note, is that while we all have preferences on table, and preconceptions, I don't want to let it slide that the Rega RP10 (and surely it's successor) is a Stereophile A component, and reviews for it are extremely positive. Just like I assume many of you may also have preconception about the phono stage in the Mytek, without having heard it.
I mean, not to be too argumentative, and I am going to try other TTs and options, but being a Stereophile Class A component means they think it’s going to sound great, and they have better for this than I do. 
Current thinking: Linn LP12 (with the upgrades), Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum, Luxman EQ-500. Then possibly updating the pre-amp later.
It’s more about sound. I heard this setup today (though with a sweet Plinius class A amp) and wanted to take the system home. Really just perfect. I was a little skeptical about the Linn as well. Will do more research but the owner of the shop knows his stuff. Had plenty more expensive stuff and it’s what we both preferred. 
Btw the cartridge I heard and am considering is the Onyx Platinum. The rosewood is my backup if I need to save a little money. We’ll see how the stock market does they next few days!
totally. I heard several tables today, including ones much more expensive. Granted none had the Koetsu (though similarly prices). There was something just right about this setup. I’m going to try out the cartridge on the Rega first, before dropping like 30k on the upgrades I mentioned. I figured you all would be happy with this direction ;) I know it’s not an SME, but that was a bit out of my budget and didn’t find one to listen to. None the less, I’m not sure I heard a fault in the setup I heard today. It was a giant leap better. 
That’s why I really pushed for a new TT. :) I’m not totally convinced on the Linn, especially the aesthetics. That said, it sounded best to my ear, and reading a lot online it sounds like the higher end Linn (including the Ekos SE arm) truly is a top notch table. Still, open to feedback and suggestions. 
I did listen to some high mass designs. As far as the 10k cartridge, I guess the price doesn't seem that outrageous to me given the rest of the system. All of the components are currently in 6-10k range, with 22k in speakers, and 15k in cabling. I'm confident my system is capable of exposing the difference between cartridges, and I plan on upgrading the Pre and amp soon as well. 
Interestingly, I heard an AMG (don't know the model, but it was very expensive) with a Lyra Etna and a Feickert Woodpecker with an Air Tight PC-1. Both on fantastic electronics and speakers. Both sounded great, but no where as good, to my ears, as the Koetsu on the Linn. Fair point that I could try the Koetsu on a different, high mass tone arm.
I’m going to see if I can find an AMG Giro to hear. Seems like it might tick all the boxes, with the same Koetsu cartridge. 
I'm going to hear a bunch more tables and carts tomorrow, but the PC-1 was disappointing in the setup I heard it. It was a Feickert table and all air tight electronics. That said, it may not have been the best match on table, or maybe it was the speakers. It's clearly supposed to be a wonderful cartridge. I found it a bit harsh, with an overemphasis on surface noise, but I again, it's a complete package, so I couldn't specifically blame the cartridge for that.
Basically the only things I will not sacrifice: my speakers and any degradation in the digital path. It’s a complicated balancing act making sure both digital and analog sound great. Right now, digital sounds spectacular on my system.  
Alrighty. Here is my current thinking after a great listening session today. 
AMG Viella turntable
Koetsu Onyx Platinum or Lyra Etna cartridge
Luxman EQ-500 or Boulder 508 Phono stage

thoughts? My biggest concern with the Boulder is the lack of options. I did listen to it and it sounded fantastic. With limited listening, could not hear a difference to its bigger brother. 
Today the rest of the equipment was Spectral pre and amps. Wilson Sasha Daw speakers. 
Also contemplating a preamp under 10k. Luxman C-700u, used ARC Ref 6, PS Audio BHK, used Pass XP-30, something else?
Don't know if anyone is still following along on my journey here, from an RP8 with a PC-1 as my initial thought. I ended on something much more expensive, but I think it's going to be wonderful.

AMG Viella V12 Turbo (I'm a Porsche guy, myself) w/ Koetsu Onyx Platinum Cartridge -> Boulder 508 Phono stage -> Audio Research Ref 6 Line Stage. 

Will update the amp and doc next round (thinking dCS Bartok and Luxman M900u).
I heard the Lyra and Koetsu on totally different systems so I don’t think it would be fair to compare them directly. Both sounded wonderfully detailed. At least in the system that I heard the Koetsu is was incredibly rich and musical. Mids for miles without giving up any clarity. My thinking here is limiting the components that color the sound. The Boulder 508 and ARC Reference 6 receive rave reviews for their transparency. The Koetsu and my currently Mac amp will add warmth. Eventually, I expect the M900u will do the same but with even better detail.
I’ve had the ARC Reference 6 in the system for a few days now and all I can say is ... wow. Way more improvement than I had imagined. It’s clear I’ve not touched the limit of capability from the Mytek Manhattan II DAC yet. Not only is the soundstage huge, it’s as if the Ref 6 uncovered an entire bass octave they C47 wasn’t showing me. The realism is unbelievable.  That said, the Rega TT sounds pretty much the same. Maybe a slight improvement. I suspect the C47 was already capable of handling it. Can’t wait for the new TT, Cart, and Phono stage to arrive in a couple weeks. In the interim, it’s as if I have a brand new DAC!