Agoners: Need Advice! Have 3K to spend on an Amp, what do I do with no way to audition?

Looking for a solid State Amp, something that will go for 30 years or more (My Last Amp), so I don't need high maintenance, with at least 200 WPC @ 8 ohm load.  SO many to choose from...I've narrowed my choices down to several brands, due to the consistency of great reviews; Krell, Pass Labs, Audio Research, McIntosh, Mark Levinson, Classe.  Now looking serious at a couple by Krell or Pass.  I love most types of music, classical, jazz, rock, punk, electronica, metal, but not Rap & Country.  I love great detail in my music, fast and bold but rich and  warm, played soft or loud with a big soundstage, love bass slam and crisp highs, too much midrange hurts my ears. Which amp does it all???  Wife has me limited to this, you know how that is :(...Please help me out here folks...I've been in this dilemma for a few years, it's time to make a decision and buy! 

Showing 2 responses by wlutke

I searched the forums for amps recommended as a good match for my speakers and that worked out well.  I bought used - I assume for $3K you are too with those brands - so no problem if I didn't like the amp.  I would resell and try again, if it came to that.  
My speakers have level adjust on the tweeters and mids. Oddly enough, I find a hot tweeter level is the source of the intolerable "midrange glare" while the midrange level has little effect.   

So you're saying to buy what I want, and keep looking trading until I find the perfect one?"

I was suggesting you ask advice from B&W 802 owners who have had success matching amps to the speakers.