Aged components / service!?

I tried to get an insight in what is considered aged components in a pre amp. I look at a pre which is between 10-15 years old. Personally i kind of feel this is close to a no go. I get conflicting information with regards to service and age.
Do we have any members here who could actually teach me something regarding components and age?


Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

I have had many pieces of used high end gear over the last 50 years. The only one needing repair was my tubed Sonic Frontier CD Player that would have the CD transport go out every few years (I bought that new). That is it. All others, some 30 years old by the time I traded them in had a problem.
I agree with others. It depends. If we are talking about true high end equipment, then probably good. If not, no. Do you have something in mind?

I would buy Audio Reserch, Conrad Johnson, VAC, and some others without hesitation at that age.