Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?

Been reading all the interesting posts here, I've recently switched over to Audioquest silver interconnects and speaker cables, the improvement is easy to hear over OCC copper - lower noise floor, more clarity, greater transient snap, larger soundstage etc.... BUT.

I would say my system still has body, but the top end is now bright/harsh.  Could an aftermarket fuse tame this, so that I can still retain the clarity and other benefits of silver? I'm concerned that this potential solution may make my system more dynamic, and potentially give it a U or V shape sound profile - which is definitely what I don't want.


Showing 2 responses by mikhailark

@rhg3 - I recently did a lot of experimentation with miniDSP (SHD). It is a good DAC, but not great. Adding it in analog chain may not be a good idea since EQ is digital so the path will involve AD conversion and back. Now, I also tried adding SHD in pure digital path, between my PC and Terminator DAC (trying Dirac and PEQ). Well... I cannot say SHD was transparent. Some quality was lost with PEQ on. 

But... it seems you were intentionally going the bright way - silver cables, for example. I'd look at replacing main components first. Pass Labs comes to mind - detailed without being bright yet not as warm as tubes.