after-market power cord with PS Audio P5?

Straight-forward question for *P5 owners*.  Have you experimented with an after-market power cord, and did it make a difference?  If so, how significant was it?  Was it one of PS A's own models, or did you go elsewhere?

Showing 2 responses by hifiman5

@twoleftears   I just checked out your system here. I assume your P5 is replacing the Furman?  If so, what sonic differences, if any, have you noticed?
I already had a PS Audio Statement power cord for my PPP that I traded in to get the much superior P5.  I never tried the stock cord as Paul McGowan is quite definite that his regenerators benefit from upgraded cables.

Also, don't ignore vibration isolation .  If you think about it, Paul's regenerators are power amps geared to a very specific mission, so the regens. benefit from vibration treatment like power amplifiers do.