Affordable WiFi streamer - simple but effective mods.

My goal was to find an affordable pre-owned WiFi streamer and optimize its performance. My digital chain includes a Fidelizer AirStream WiFi router. To do it justice, I needed a good WiFI streamer. Ideally, for less than $1K.

Mission Accomplished.   I modded this Auralic Aries.


- weight

- transparency

- separation

- tonality

- dynamics

- black background

_ _ _ _ _

Note: This is not a wired vs wireless thread.


Showing 2 responses by jerrybj


I agree that everything matters. Small additions can add to a better whole.

Recently additions in my system that have improved things: modded switch, TWL ethernet cables, LAN isolators, Akiko Audio Black Box, mods to my Dac. Together add to a good step-up in my system.

My wired network runs through my wireless modem, so my thinking is that a Fidelizer Airstream will add a little more. Its price is why I will wait till next year.

Have other things to address first.