Affordable vs. ultra expensive speakers - what's the difference?

Candidate 1: Affordable at about 3K


Candidate 2: Ultra expensive at 50K.


So what's the difference?


Showing 1 response by thyce

I love the comparison with cars because nobody gives a second thought when a neighbor buys a $100k car, but if you admit that you spent that much on speakers they will freak!  Ironically, that's a speaker that you can go full out anytime you want compared to a car that can legally only go a boring 35mph until they hit the freeway and then it's a whopping 60 or 70 mph and the car is yawning from extreme boredom.  10 years later my speakers will still sound amazing and still have a great trade in value with no rock chips, door dings, or weathering of the paint.  I personally would rather hide my wealth in a stereo that can transport me to the recording studio or stage and revel in the creativity of world class musicians than flaunt my wealth to strangers on the road that cause me to swear because they are barely amateurs at driving and can't be trusted not to hit me.