Affordable Processor with Fabulous 2 Channel ?


I'm using my Mytek Brooklyn DAC as a pre for music and TV. It is fabulous sounding but I really would like to have 5.1 channel surround, and a single remote! 

Is there an affordable processor (used OK) that has at least as good 2 channel performance? Emotiva is right out. I owned one, and it sounded thin as paper. I note that there are a lot of Krell processors for sale at reasonable prices. 



Showing 17 responses by bwguy

is there any difference in quality on the Classé Sigma when streaming music through Tidal  when connecting via airplay vs a hard connection via USB?
Good to know.  I always heard air play was lossless, (ALAC)  but always thought a hard connection was better.
I also have the Classé Signa SSP and am real happy with it.  You mentioned it is geared more for 2 channel as opposed to HT.
i have the B&W HTM2 D3 center speaker.  At times when watching movies, it is hard to understand some of the diologue.  Is this due to the limitations of the Sigma?  Would going to the larger center make much of a difference?  Or do I just need to increase the volume of the center channel even more.  I currently have it at 7.5 DB above the mains.  The center and surrounds are powered with the Classé 5300 Delta amp.
Yes, perhaps that is the reason.  My dealer had calibrated it when I first purchased it but the settings were lost when it had to back to Classé for repair. I have been unable to get my dealer back to re-calibrate it again.  I will pursue this again.
Hi Caphill
i can not get my dealer to come out and re-calibrate it. I don’t think they carry Classé anymore since they are now part of Sound United. Very frustrating as I don’t have the tools to do this.
Beautiful area in Seattle. I am located in northern Indiana.
I just contacted my dealer again. They said they can calibrate it but are out 3 weeks in scheduling. So hopefully I will have it set by the first of September!
Thanks for your helpful comments.
Yes, looking forward to it sounding even better than it already does.
Yes, I am using XLR connectors  on the mains.  My center is currently set at 7.5 DB above the mains.
Very long explanation for the Sigma going in.
i am using the Classé Delta 2300 for my mains and a 5300 for the center and surrounds. Sometime in early 2017, Something happened with the 5300 and it just died. No idea why. Heard a pop and it just died. So it went back to Classé for repair. It took about 2 months but got it back and life was good. Forward August 2017 and the 5300 died again. I wasn’t driving it hard, but evidently something caused it to overheat inside.
Returned to Classé again. This time they wanted to look at the Sigma to see if this could be causing something. This was right when Classé announced they were closing. As a result, both the 5300 amp and the Sigma sat until B&W figured out who and where repairs would be made. Needless to say I was not happy during this time. FRUSTRATED!  While the unit was there, I had them put the 4K board in, which caused me to lose my settings. I finally got everything back around January of this year. I never did hear if the Sigma was the cause of anything but so far so good (knock on wood).
Thank thank you Caphill, you are a wealth of good information.  Would using a music server, such Lumin, give even better 2 channel quality as compared to using a USB connection from my computer?
You sure do know the Classé very well. I have it and absolutely love it.  
  Help me understand why the Sigma would perform better with a connection via USB compared with a HDMI connection?  Wouldn’t  these be run through the same DAC’s?
Would using an Oppo 205, which has a jitter reduction circuit and low jitter master clock, make much of a difference for audio via HDMI with the Sigma?
But would the Lumin music server connected via USB give any better quality than my laptop computer with the same connection?
I guess that what I’m trying to ask is if the Lumin will give me any better quality as compared to connecting my laptop to the Sigma with the USB connection?