Affordable alternativ to the PS Audio DirectStream DAC

I have borrowed a DirectStream DAC from my dealer very nice of him because he knows that I can't afford it (:
I have to say it is everything I have ever wanted from a streamer/dac. Music just pouring out of my speakers, real sweet music.

Voices just sounds so real, everything is in place, there are details but not in your face. I just love it. This is like music should sound.

I am using it with a PrimaLuna HP integrated. Very nice combo.

The DirectStream DAC junior is discontinuing and I can't get my hands on a used one.

If you have heard the DirectStream DAC and know of another dac sounding as musical -- let me know   

Showing 12 responses by martin-andersen

I will try to see if I can audit the T2. I have promised that I will never buy a product with out trying it in my system first
First dont turne this into a cat fight over a LUMIN product. I was looking for advices from people that has experiences with the PS DirectStream and has compared it to other dac's at a lower prices.

I am looking for used junior but I live in Denmark and there are sold very few PS Audio products.

I know I maybe asking to much but I was blown away by the PS. Had a Chord Qutest for a week, but the PS sounds so much better in my ears.
I have reported @audiotroy for trying to stuff a T2 down my throat  
The Rockans are VERY expensive I was looking for something have the price of the PS Audio DirectStream
Hi @lukaske95 Thanks for the tip.

I have just got "burned" on a pair of Tekton Design DI. Ordered them without trying them out at home. It was not possible not dealers in Denmark.

But I have promised myself that I only will buy product that I can audit in my home.

I know that it will give me a very limited range of product to choose from but I have to live with that.

I feel that I live in a 3' world country (: when I read about all the dac's that people have suggested in this thread and close to none of them are
available in Denmark or Europe.

@toolbox149 I am not sure. I don't think so.

But I have bought a Orchid dac and going to use that until the new PS Junior are released
I bought the Allo DigiOne Signature player and the Orchid. Also invested in a roon setup
@chayro I would buy a used one if I was living in the US, but used PS DS are very rare in Europe