Aesthetix Io-Reliability Problems???

I have heard recently from several sources that the Aesthetix Io phono stage has reliability problems and that it runs through tubes very quickly. What has been the experience of Aesthetix Io owners? What types of failures have occured? Are there any non-owners who know the details of the problems? Since I am interested in the Aesthetix Callisto linestage, which is much simpler and carries fewer tubes, I would like to know if the problems with the Io extend to the Callisto as well. Thanks in advance very much for your help.

Showing 2 responses by jm88439

I have owned and marveled at my Aesthetix Io for two years now. It is, IMO, a supreme phono stage. One month after I received it, it did go down and was repaired and turned around by Jim White very quickly. It has performed flawlessly since with performance that is very, very satisfying. I installed NOS tubes (Mazda and Tungsram 12AX7's, Amperex PQ 6922's, Sylvania VT-231's, Sylvania 5932's in place of EL34's) soon after I first received the Io and, with the exception of the 5932's, the original NOS tubes remain in place and still sound mighty fine. I was told by Jim White that the EL34's and 6922's would need replacing a bit more often. Other than that, the tubes should last a reasonable amount of time.

I too have heard the talk regarding the Io and reliability problems. I sympathize with anyone not able to enjoy the remarkable performance of the Io due to reliability. I happen to be one of the lucky ones to have an Io that has been little trouble and a whole lotta fun. I'm certain that there are many others that have had similar experiences with the Io. If there are indeed reliability problems generally with the Io, perhaps Jim White should be given a chance to correct them and perhaps in the process improve an already stunning performer. There's always a bit of sweat involved with the use of tubed gear, the Io is no exception. Thankfully, the rewards can be great as is the case with the Aesthetix Io.


Joe Mendez
That reviewer for UA has in turn sold the Io due to what he perceives as long term reliability problems. What these long term problems are is anyone's guess. While I'm sure the Io can be bettered, it is still a phono stage to be reckoned with and in my experience with atleast 7 other top stages, the best out there. Obviously, my experience is far more limited than others.