Aesthetix Atlas Compared to Pass Labs XA30.8

Has anyone had experience with both of these amps to provide a comparison?
I currently own the "regular" Aesthetix Atlas....and am curious about the Pass Labs XA30.8 primarily because I play my system at generally lower levels.... Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Showing 1 response by audioconnection

Hey It seems that you are constantly %130r8y9 around with tubes and fuseslooking for a real change and I'm sure getting a small difference each time
 Why not call the guy who made your amp and see what he would do if it was him. Don't you think he would want you to be satisfied?The fact that your preamp and amp is a zero-feedback design logically would steer it towards a phase and time correct speaker design with all the drivers pulsing to what the Mic picked up in a recording in the first place, preserving the music fundamental and overtones instead of half the drivers with directions out of sync. How about doing an experiment find a cheap pair of working Vandersteen 2 series speakers on Craig's list. read the owner's manual with set up the results you achieve with your gear should easily give you a holy cow moment big change with confidence to move forward to maybe treos or Quatros.