Advise between Bryston B135 cube and Simaudio Moon 340iX

Hi Team,

I am planning to buy an integrated amp and after some research I selected following two amps with built in DAC.

1. Bryston B135 cube
2. Simaudio Moon 340iX

Can you please help to advice me in terms of musicality, clarity and fineness, which amp will be performed better?

Note- I auditioned Moon 340iX and liked its sound but don't know sound of Bryston.

I have The Bryston B135 cube
with Focal Sopra 2s
Plenty of power great detail and soundstage
no harshness at all 
and 20 year warranty
Nordost Blue Heaven cables thru out 

I recently demo’d the 340i in my home system & was NOT impressed.It didn’t have that subtle golden glow that the old i5 amps had,sounding slightly cold & clinical on my Harbeth M30.1’s...There is a Creek "Evolution 50a with built in Ruby DAC board"listed for sale on for $1500.00 LESS than the Simaudio & IMO has a sweeter sound overall.Also the headphone circuit on the Simaudio was HORRIBLE,flat,colorless & lifeless,the Creek has a FANTASTIC headphone if that matters...Haven't heard the Bryston so no comment..