Advise before I regret

I bought a new pair of speakers paradigm premier 800 series in piano white to get a little brighter sound and replace my existing paradigm studio 100’s v3 speakers that are mint but a few years old so I went with a replacement. I just added a Yamaha aventege receiver 2080 and am anthem mc20 amp to drive them. Any adivice or experience which set of speakers is better. Before I sell the wrong pair I will
do a side by side comparison but just wanted to get some professional experience. 
I'm no professional but my layman advice is to listen extensively to each speaker and then choose the speaker which sounds best to your ears.
Did you try your Aventage 2080 + Anthem amp > Studio 100 v3 speakers BEFORE you bought the new Premier speakers -

If so, what did you not like about the sound?

I previously had them hooked up to a Marantz sr7005 and an Adcom 555 gFA 2 amp. The speakers seemed to have just allot of mid range and bass not very bright or detail.