Advice re: home-brew water

Hi, I'm trying to upgrade the ingredients that I use in my cleaning solution (VPI 16.5).
I used to combine 3 parts drugstore distilled water to 1 part Isopropyl alcohol plus a few drops Photoflo.

I'm going to use Technical-grade 99.6% alcohol, and I recently got some Triton X-100 and X-114 to replace the Photoflo (which is supposed to be undesirable).

The last thing I need is good water, especially to rinse.
I did find some $55 a gallon water, but I think that's overkill, and there's the possibility that an opened gallon (which will take me a year to use) will become contaminated due to simply being opened.

This leads me to my question: I'm not sure if the link I opened this with works or not, but it's an extremely thorough water analysis where the author ('Justin time') recommends Rain Fresh bottled water (

The problem is that this isn't (never was, I'm told) distilled water, nor is it deionized.
Has anyone used this and can confirm that it's the thing to use?
I'm guessing that the 10-step process that is referred to on the Rain Fresh link more than compensates for the lack of distillation and deionization, but I'm looking for confirmation. Is 'Justin time' out there? I wrote an email, but he doesn't seem to have posted here in a long time.

2nd question: does anyone know if either of the Triton's (110, 114) is better?

Thanks for any help.

Showing 1 response by dan_ed

What is it going to cost you to set up the equipment to produce water at this purity? How much of this do you really need?

I can see a 5 gallon container of water lasting me the rest of my life.

Oh, and if you haven't already, look into steaming your LPs to get them clean.