Advice on turntables

I have an older well tempered lab turntable with ortofon  cadenza black cart and Evo 400 Prima Luma integrated Tube app with ascend acoustics tower ELX speakers. I’ve become enamored of reading and researching a little with Dr. Feickert turntables particularly blackbird or woodpecker. I’ve not heard these so this is not based on hearing them, but I will probably have to buy a new upgraded turntable without the opportunity of listening because of location and opportunity to get to high-end audio. What thoughts would you guys have regarding this selection or other recommendations you would make? thanks


Showing 1 response by oberoniaomnia

If you are thinking in this kind of price category, I separate phonostage will be a significant factor. I have not heard Dr. Feikert, just know it gets good reviews.

I suggest figure out for yourself of what you want from your new TT:

- 1 vs 2 tonearm option? I for along time thought I had t have at least 2 arms available, then realized that in reality, I will not fuss with that. Be honest with yourself.

- VTA adjustments yes/no? I had a VPI to fiddle with VTA, but could not hear a difference unless comparing same track to digital file, so that went out of the window.

- Are you a tinkerer or a listener? With your current set-up do you modify things all the times, or are you leaving things as they are? I'm about 85% in the second camp.

- Looks: do you like traditional look or do you like something more out there, arty? Do you care? The Feikerts are more traditional almost vintage, while I prefer a bit more industrial looks. Nothing but personal preference.

I sympathize with you re not being able to listen to candidates. I think this is the modern reality. I went to Upscale Audio (Dr. Feikert dealer), and requested a demo to see whether I could hear differences between plinths (so same cart, same electronics). The flat out refused to set that up. So even if you could go to a store, chances are slim that you could actually experience it.

I bought a Rega Naia package in the end. It is a set-it and forget-it TT. Sounds better than my previous VPI. I like the space age look, even if I am not a fan of foam.

my 2c.