Advice on replacement of Stereo-70 (for Cain& Cain Abbys)

I've been saving up for an Audiokinesis Swarm, but my Stereo-70 mk II died yesterday. I had already targeted it for eventual replacement, but now I need to shift my attention to an amp and put off the swarm. My speakers are Cain&Cain Abbys. A Van Alstine Ultravalve would feel familiar and be a significant upgrade, or I could go SET (I've looked at Decware, Coincident Dynamo mk III, and Dennis Had's Inspire SEP). Or, in a different direction: LTA ZOTL 10 mk II or First Watt F7--though they both lie at the very top end of my budget (actually a bit beyond, but...). All these amps have their fans and seem like excellent values. But I want to get it right because this will probably be the amp I use for the foreseeable future (and there is no way to audition!). Thank you for your thoughts, I've learned a lot from reading you guys. 
There was a loud pop, then loss of power and strong smell of burning following. The week prior one of the EL34s started overheating--something that has happened before (I believe it's a known problem with this model). I was trying to get the last out of it before swapping in my last tube, but I probably should have removed it sooner. Prior to opening the unit, I thought I would repair it, but the circuit board is degrading. I appreciate the words of caution about rushing out to spend $$, but the only local shop (closed at the moment) already had a 5-month waitlist. And, I had already decided to replace this amp at some point anyway...
What is the failure with the ST-70?? The power transformer? If no, its probably cheaper to fix it than move on, unless it wasn't doing the job for you.