Advice on reasonably priced balanced cables ?

I am in the process of upgrading to a Mcintosh c-2200 preamp.This will compliment my MC 352 amp. Any suggestions for balanced cables ? Is buying used okay ? There are so many cables available that I feel a bit confused.
I appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks !

Showing 1 response by porschecab

Jpgsf -

You will get alot of attention here, as cables, like speakers, are much a matter of taste, or so I am told...............................................................................................................

I am tried several and have fallen into the PS Audio line, their Extreme Statement balanced cable. It has sonic characteristics (or lacks them, some may say) that suite my room, ear, equipment, and price point. Not to mention, when replaced with some other more expensive cabling, in my room, with my gear to my ears, there was no difference that warranted the extra expense.

The Extreme Statements can be had on the preowned market (a GREAT place for cabling - burned in, half OR LESS than retail...) for about $150 for a 1M pair.
