Advice on purchasing classics amplifiers.Which one

I have the opportunity to purchase one of the three amplifiers:
1) Audio Reasearch VT-100 MK2 for $2145. The amplifier is about four years old and is in a 9/10 condition. It has balanced inputs. 100 watts per channel.
2) Conrad Johnson Evolution 2000 (Tubes and MOSFETS) for $1850. The amplifier was released in 1987 or 1988, which makes it 14 to 15 years old. No balanced inputs. This is about a 7 or 8 in condition, of 10. 200 watts per channel.
3) VTL 222 all tubes mono power amplifiersreleased around 1988. The asking price is $2300 and the condition is 8/10.
225 watts per channel.
I will be using them to drive the Martin Logan Monolith II.
I will purchase one of the three and therefore not really interested in anything else. Please give your honest advice as to what I should look for, age, reliability, sound, performance. Which is the best for driving electrostatics? Please do not give me the viortues of a $10,000 because I cannot afford one. My budget is $2400 for a used amplifier, Tubes amplification.

Showing 1 response by vibeman

Hard to know what you like or what your system needs to sound the way you want it to. Depends on what you want to get out of your system - how you want your system to sound etc...Totally your call. Good luck!