My dilemma is twofold. I still think my speakers sound great in many ways. They are musically involving and still dazzle me on occasion. They have some weak points as do ALL speaker designs.
I value a big soundstage, imaging, tonal accuracy, musical involvement vs the ultimate in detail and resolution, Having said that, my KEF’s are a little lacking in high frequency air/transparency and perhaps a little TOO polite.
@dmiller01 You could get some PEQ and salvage the situation a bit... bump it up with suitable Q in approx frequency range shown below. That’s how you could start creating "air", a sense of "transparency" etc...
If it’s acting too polite, maybe add a very low Q bump further lower on the frequency range. That could prevent you from rabbit hole diving and let you hang on to your current speaker.
But, if you plan on letting go of the KEF anyways, look at some measurements at the least as it can give you a feel for the sound signature you’re looking for (help narrow down the pool since everyone and his uncle offer a speaker these days from their garage).

I get the feeling that this is the speaker you’re looking for, it certainly isn’t very polite (real musical instruments are not that polite), quite airy, transparent, etc. Its called the Yamaha NS-2000A, price = 8k. If Schweikert or Magico tried to make you something of this quality, price could go up to 50k atleast.