Advice on CD transport

Here’s the situation:

Am purchasing two channel integrated amp with built in DAC shortly (likely Hegel H390. Love the DAC section).  Big CD enthusiast and I’m looking for a great transport under the $1k range (used is more than acceptable).  My issue is buying a standalone transport is too rich for my blood so looking for a CD player with awesome transport. I hate paying for the DAC in it I won’t be using but such is being audio poor. 
I’ve always liked the Rega line but am wondering what anyone has found/used.  If you’ve got any helpful input without getting into DIY, please feel free to chime in. 

Showing 4 responses by fleschler

@scothurwitz Thanks for the information on Jays Audio CDT2 MKII. I am looking for a near SOTA transport that will improve on the already good sound I am getting using the EAR Acute as a transport, but for a reasonable price. I doubt that a $1,000 transport would be better. This is one heavy transport for under $3,000, 15 kg. Does it track burned discs and discs exceeding 80 minutes?   Cyrus XT signature transport is about the same price but reportedly is critical of CD quality(?).  Reviews of Cyrus are not specific.
I have a related question.  I am using my EAR Acute as a transport for my COS Engineering DV2 DAC.   Does replacing the EAR with a standalone transport improve my sound?   If so, what transport would significantly make an improvement?  A Luxman, Marantz or Esoteric transport?  Something less expensive or a high end used unit?   I have not experimented with transports as until this year, I always had a player.  Thanks.
Will the Cyrus read 80+ minute CDs such as the many made by Decca classical CDs?   A review said  if your platters are not in top condition, or formatted to the precise Red Book CD spec, it may struggle to read them.
@scothurwitz I will be using it in conjunction with the COS Engineering DV2v, the same as in one reviewer's system.  Apparently, a great match using SPDIF connection per video review  
I too am leery of purchasing Chinese audio gear; however, I have heard some copycat equipment that sounded just like the originals.  I wonder if the Jay's Audio was designed offshore in a different country which is common and just assembled in China.  Yes, this transport looks like a fabulous buy.