Advice on CD transport

Here’s the situation:

Am purchasing two channel integrated amp with built in DAC shortly (likely Hegel H390. Love the DAC section).  Big CD enthusiast and I’m looking for a great transport under the $1k range (used is more than acceptable).  My issue is buying a standalone transport is too rich for my blood so looking for a CD player with awesome transport. I hate paying for the DAC in it I won’t be using but such is being audio poor. 
I’ve always liked the Rega line but am wondering what anyone has found/used.  If you’ve got any helpful input without getting into DIY, please feel free to chime in. 

Showing 1 response by ericsch

You mentioned that you like Rega products. I have an Apollo-R that feeds a MDHT Orchid. The Apollo-R can be found used well under your budget, has a excellent DAC and is solidly built. Even though you say you don't need a DAC, it would be fun to compare to the Hegel.