Advice on bulk record pricing?

I've got more records than I want to keep, and I'm coming off a major surgery and could use some cash.

I don't want to turn pricing/selling records into a full-time job, but I also don't want to sell $20 records for $5. I know I'll have to grade them, but I'd rather not spend a ton of time researching pricing in addition to the time it'll take to do the grading.

So, what's the easiest effective to way to get real-world pricing on records? Something faster than going to ebay and looking at the last 10 sales.


Showing 1 response by bondmanp

I think Elizabeth nailed it, as far as record shows go. I go to a local show, in Springfield, NJ, each quarter, and usually pay between $1 and $3 for decent condition LPs. IIRC, tables at this show cost $60 each. It is well attended, but the dealers do not leave with empty milk crates. The ones that sell cheap move the most records, of course, but I see the same guys with the same LPs there year after year. Even for a buck, there are some LPs that people just don't want. IMHO, the hiring a kid to sell LPs on Ebay idea is the best idea. People without access to record stores or shows will pay up for vinyl.