Advice on Budget System for newbie

I have decided to finally upgrade my Nakamchi receiver/CD player and need some advice. I have a pair of Paradigm Monitor 5v2 I bought new a few years ago, and would like to keep them (can't afford to replace yet). I need a SS integrated, CDP and cables (no need for phono for 5-6 yrs). The room is 14x25 ft, and I listen to jazz and rock. I would like to keep it around $800 total. How much do you divide the budget betw. amp/CDP/cable? I have looked thru Audiogon archives and will at least audition NAD (320 bee vs 352) and cambridge new. I will also consider used musical fidelity, creek, arcam or other brands, but it's more difficult to audition used units and it may push me over budget. Any suggestions?
I would highly recommend the Panasonic SA-XR45 or the new SA-XR70 (avail. in Oct). These are in the $400 range HT receivers with 100 W/chnl digital amps for all channels. They can be run digital in to out and sound good stock, but are superb when modded. You can enjoy it for a while and then when you have the bux, get it modded. You will have a true audiophile system after this. For the player, I would recommend a Toshiba SD-6915. Plays everything and sounds decent stock. Can also improve with digital outs and power supply modded.

I am building-up a frieds system and this is what I have recommended to him.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
used is way to go....used Cal Audio Delta transport and Sigma DAC should cost about 500..good stuff...

used Dynaco ST 35 tube amp for 300..nice tube amp with decent power..or spend a little more and get a Sophia Baby tube amp for about 450
Thanks for all your suggestions. First, with the amp, today I auditioned the NAD 320bee and 352 with an NAD 541i and was impressed. Then I auditioned a Jolinda 102b (wasn't originally going to go with tubes) with the 541i and found the sound much more full and enjoyable. The reviews seem to be mixed on this website on the Jolinda. I have been leaning away from an ARC integrated because I can't audition it. Also, how does an NAD 541 Cdp compare with the Music hall CD25 (I haven't been able to audition)? Again, thanks for all your help.
I understand why you would like the 541, I did too. My personal preference is for the CD25, though. I felt it had more energy and liveliness, and I like the upgrade possibilities (power cord, then later the op amps, maybe a clock). However the CD25 can also sound forward, so you need to get a listen, if a more laid-back presentation is what you prefer.