Advice on Arcam

Hello, I currently have a pair of Epos ELS-3 spkrs with a Nad 304 doing the power duties. I would like to hear from anyone familiar with Arcam (alpha) and if this amp would make a better match with my spkrs. The Epos Nad combo sounds really good but a audio buddy suggested I try Arcam. I know both units are a bit dated. Thanks and good listening.
You've got pretty good responses and I'll add a little of my own here. The ARcam ALpha 10 was my first integrated amp and having listened to the Alphas 8 & 9, the former is a better amp with greater dollops of power and refinement. However, I realized it was a bit of a cold fish after a while when I moved up the upgrade path. The Arcam was clearly lacking in dynamic swings when you needed it the most. Having said that, the ALpha 10 was still an excellent unit in some systems, and I believe it will be an improvement over your NAD.

Although I haven't listened to the Roksan Caspian, you might give it a consideration too as I've read it's a better-sounding amp than the Arcam.
Thanks Ryder, You know I have been giving thought to tubes again. I have had pre and amps that sported the glass bottles so I know what they are capable of. I however have to consider the tweak factor when it comes to the different sonic variations---it can get crazy.
My first audiophile system was an Alpha 5 CD, an Alpha 6 amp and EPOS ES-11 speakers. For the price was absolutely fantastic. I tested several speakers with the Arcams and the EPOS performed very well.
I'd go with Creek 4330R (one for sale now for ~$375).
Arcam is more laid back and polite. Creek more punchy and dynamic. Creek is voiced to match Epos speakers.
Audio Advisor is closing out the A50 line for $700 NEW. This was the successor to the 4330R.