Thanks -- I have them around 2 feet off the wall as recommended. Are there any tubes that can use in the Jolida 302 that would improve the bass performance?
Advice on adding a sub to my system
Hi all,
After a year with my system, I am thinking of adding a sub (and a DAC, but that conversation is ongoing in another forum...) I have a system I love, almost: Jolida 302 tube amp, Quad 21l2 speakers, and a Music Hall CDP 25.2. Speaker wire is wireworld and silver copper interconnects for the cdp.
One piece of the sound I don't love is that I feel the sound is thin at times, especially at the lower end. Detail is good enough for me, and the soundstage is fine, I just wish the music had a little more presence and richness.
What would I need to get this given my current equipment. Is this just a limitation of my current speakers?
If I had a sub, I would really like to keep it under 500, but is this what I need?