
Discussions martyw has started

What dac would upgrade my Music Hall CDP?42495
Peachtree Nova with Quad 21l2 speakers31392
Bel Canto or PS Audio???47331
Ideas for separates around $1500???993125
Advice on RFI with a new integrated amp854232
Please recommend a budget tube dac547812
Rega Mira 3 or Exposure 2010s????89248
Amp rec needed for Quad 21l21044717
Any experience with Jolida factory upgrade?19450
Which Ohms to use? Running a Jolida with Quad 21L24663
slightly neurotic question from a tube newbie24137
New Jolida DAC for $100???51405
Advice on adding a sub to my system926222
Please help -- DAC newbie needs wisdom.....604111
question about a busted spike?16361