Advice on a tube tester

Well I just got kicked off Facebook for the weekend so I'll probably be active here.  Not sure if that is a plus or a minus for Audiogon.  😎

I'm looking to buy my first tube tester.  I want to be able to identify bad tubes, verify readings on "NOS" or "used, measures like new" in tubes I buy, and I need to sell off a bunch of tubes and I'd like to be able to test them before I sell them.  Selling a bad tube, refunding the money, leaves me out shipping, a lot of work and 3 good tubes in limbo. 

So I'm looking at a B&K 707/747 or a hickok 539A or similar, mostly just based on what I see that fits my needs and seems to be $500 or less.  I see tested and calibrated tube testers for $1500 on ebay but I think I can get by for a lot less.

Tubes I have to test are 6l6 series, EL84, OA3/4, 6922, WE396, KT88 and maybe a few others.  it would be nice to test 300B/350B tubes but I think most testers doen't do that. 

So I'd appreciate guidance from people who have been testing tubes for a while.




Showing 8 responses by carlsbad

Thanks @gregdude I've watched his good videos.  He likes TV7.

@petg60 thanks for the details.  Turns out the D/U version is specially changed to address 6DJ8 tubes--which is half the tubes in my favorite that would be worth finding.



@oddiofyl Thanks for the story.  I'm starting to play in NOS tubes too.  I have a bunch of not necessarily new but old stock voltage regulators I'd like to sort.  

I've looked at the Toolshed amps and they look nice.

Whick hickok did you choose?  



Thanks @petg60 .  Which TV-7 did you have?  Do you know what the differnce is between the TV-7 A/U, B/U, C/u and D/U is?  

Should have added that I intend to do any work it needs myself.  Never came across a machine I couldn't fix. 

I just don't want to get one that is shot.  I see tube testers that the seller tested several tubes on to confirm it is working.  or are selling their spare that they use and confirm it works.

Calibration I can likely do myself on most of them.



@oddiofyl That's a beauty.  And I agree with your advice.  Loose sockets can be a problem with well worn testers.

@tksteingraber I would probably agree that I don't need one.   It is consistent with my lab scientist nature and I-build-thing mentality to want one.

@invalid I agree the data is not all it is cracked up to be but I see lots of instances where it is of use to me.  

thanks all for your help.  




Very useful post.  I'm finding a lot of testers don't do the 9 pin minatures that were introduced with color TV so they are relatively new.  For the TV-7 you need the D/U.  for the 752 you need the A to test 9 pins. for the 539 you need the C.  the 539 tests each triode seperately so you have to test them twice.  It does a lot of testing but maybe more than I need.  The B&K 707 attracted my attention early and I'm glad to hear your views--from someone actualy using one he calibrated himself.  Fully agree on replacing sockets, can do it but do I want to?  

I've been up and down the scale on these testers a few times.  Right now I'm leaning toward the 707 or the TV-7D...probalby whichever one I find first in good condition at a reasonable price.  

If after using the tester a while I want more data, I can buy a high end Hickok then.


I love it when I can justify the biggest and the best but not being a tube seller (other than my excess) I can't really justify and Amplitrex.  

@verdantaudio Not sure what your relationship is with Jac Music is but I just boght a couple grand of parts and tubes from them.


@verdantaudio I'm hijacking my own thread here but as an aside, I'm having a new amp built with EML AD1s.  I found your website and see you carry them.  my builder bought my first set directly from Jac.
