Advice needed on power cables, wall warts, conditioning, electrical outlet

Hi everyone,

I would appreciate any advice on power cables, wall warts, power conditioning, better electrical outlet,  etc. 

If I have a power conditioner, with all of my equipment plugged into it with their stock cables, would upgrading the individual components’ power cable, wall wart etc. really help to improve the sound quality?  If yes, in what order of priority would you suggest?  Looking to make some low/moderate cost "tweaks" where it makes sense.

FWIW, here’s my setup:

  • 15 amp dedicated electrical circuit with standard home grade grounded electrical outlet.
  • Furman PL Plus-C power conditioner (repurposed from my music equipment studio rack) plugged into this AC outlet.  (Furman has a hardwired power cable, so I cannot easily swap it out)
  • All of my audio equipment plugs into the Furman: e.g. integrated tube amp, DAC, Sound Expander, ethernet to optical converter, Sonore Optical Rendu (feeds the DAC via USB), and Small Green Computer Roon server.
  • All components have their respective manufacturers’ standard issue power cord or wall wart.  (Sonore Optical Rendu with their Small Green Computer standard LPS).
  • TrendNet ethernet switch, not on the conditioner and uses wall wart.  CAT 8 to upstairs to my Asus router also wall wart and not on conditioner.
  • Asus router to Verizon FIOS ONT via CAT 8 ethernet.

Any advice and comments would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot!


Showing 1 response by bmontani

I am currently using a PS Audio P20 and Audioquest Hurricane Power Cords.  Two things stick out to me compared to my previous power cords and no power conditioner.  #1  the noise level-this is not noise like hum or hiss but much more subtle-when it is eliminated, you have a very, very, quiet black background.  That is the best way I can describe it.  The P20 does a lot in that regard by regenerating the AC to a very clean sine wave.  Regarding the Audioquest Hurricane cables, I was never a believer in power cables making a difference until I tried a demo cable. There was a an immediate reduction in noise-again blacker backgrounds and I noticed increased micro detail.  I still couldn't wrap my head around the physics of why this could be possible until I started reading about electrodynamics.  I always thought that electricity flowed thru a wire kind of like water thru a pipe.  As I began to get a better understand of electrodynamics,  I realized, the water thru the pipe analogy was totally wrong.  The energy is actually propagated thru the electromagnetic field surrounding the conductors.  With that understanding, it opened my eyes to how something like a power cord could actually affect sound.  The second big benefit I noticed with the P20 was as passages got louder and more complex, there was no constriction.  Previously, as music became louder-like during orchestral crescendos,  I would notice a pull back in the sound stage and a bit of harshness in the overall sound.  With the P20, this was eliminated.  The downside of course is expense.  This stuff doesn't come cheap but, it is worth doing a demo.  You may not need to go with the P20-there is a P12 and P5.  I have some big power hungry amps so I elected to go big.  It is definitely worth checking out.  BTW, I also have two dedicated 20 amp circuits.