Advice? Less than $4k, solid state preamp, neutral to gentle

There are many many posts about recommendations for preamps, so many to sift through that I thought getting a couple answers off the top of your heads might be ok to ask for.

Here's my situation: I am looking for a backup, solid state preamp to work with (a) Quicksilver mono block amps and (b) a Pass XA 25. I have (c) two DACs that I like, a Schiit Bifrost 2/64 and a modded-out MHDT Orchid. My speakers (d) are Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers w/RAAL tweeters, and I have three subs.

My current preamps are both tube -- one is a 6SN7 preamp similar to an Ultraverve 3 and the other is a Quicksilver Line Stage.

I like having solid state alternatives to tube gear both to hear different sonic presentations and also in case I want to give tubes a break or if a tube goes bad.

I have tried autoformer preamps (more or less a straight wire with gain) such as the Bent Tapx and I don't like it on my system. I need a bit more.

If money was no object, I'd probably go drop $5k on an Ayre KX-5. That is a bit steep for me at the moment.

So, the question is: What solid state preamp, less than $4k, used or new, would you recommend to give a fairly neutral to warm/gentle presentation? Or that you simply like for reliability, interface, etc.?



Showing 2 responses by samac

With a $4k budget (even with a higher budget) I’d go with the Michi P5 by Rotel. It’s been getting great reviews. Btw, I had the deHavilland UltraVerve, what a great pre. Really wish I still had it.

Good luck with your search.





Oh man, I get it. I got one in college and a senior in high school. That’s why I can only suggest that people get a Michi P5 for their system and there isn’t one in mine.🙂

I have the Schiit Freya S in my system and it is very good. You might want to consider it. Another that would be easier on the budget as well and looks to be great is the NAD C165BEE.


