Advice in up grading weakest link in system

Current system includes: Older Bryston 1B preamp with inboard phono section, Bryston 3B amp 100w/ch.,Newer Rega P-2 platter,RB-250 completly modified

(wire&weight},older Mission 770 floor standing speakers.
sounds classy and classic to me too....change the cartridge maybe? you must just be bored
03-11-08: Lp_lover said:
Thanks for your response,cartridge is a Benz silver MM.
Concerned if the electronics is out dated after 25 yrs ?"

Well, I like your cartridge. I had the Brystons of the same vintage until a few weeks ago. I do feel like I gained a good bit, but I was going from a 2B. I gained a bunch of power and some resolution. I bought a Conrad Johnson CA200 control amp used for a great price. I also bought a Pro-ject Tube Box SE phono-preamp. This was $4000 used and would have been over $7000 new. I think you'll have trouble improving on the Brystons without spending several thousand dollars.

What speaker cables are you using. I just went to Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8s, which was a large improvement over my old Kimber. There's a review posted if you want to read more about those cables. A'gon is a great place to buy excellent cables used.

Thanks for your response,cartridge is a Benz silver MM.
Concerned if the electronics is out dated after 25 yrs ?
Looks like a great system to me. What cartridge are you using. I think, but I'm not certain, that the Rega's arm would handle a Sumiko Blackbird HOMC cartridge very handily. If so, that'd be a great upgrade. I had a 1B before I went to a Pro-ject Tube Box SE and it worked pretty darn well. The Tube Box was an upgrade, but the Sumiko is stunning.
