advice for speakers both 300B SET and home theater friendly

Hi All,

    I recently got into trying a 300B SET amp.  Pairing with my B&W 805 D3 is interesting but the difficult impedance curve is probably cutting out a lot of the 300B SET magic. At the same time I have an opportunity to look for a speaker set primary for home theater and I'm wondering if there maybe something out there that's friendly/usable for both movies and SET tube music listening occasionally.  My Marantz SR7011 shares similar limitation as my 300B SET.  My Marantz is rated only between 8-6ohms and favors flat impedance curve. Some of the entry level Zu Audio seem interesting.  I'm not a fan of Klispch.  Looking to stay as far below $1000 as possible.  Appreciate your thought and suggestion.


Showing 1 response by freediver

Forget about home theater sound...Get the absolute best speakers you can..A truly good 2 channel system will give you 85%+ the theater surround gimics & get 100% out of the SET amp...
Search the speaker forum for SET,there are a ton of threads on high efficiency speakers.Off the top of my head I would say Tekton,Zu & Omega...