advice for headphones?

I am currently using a focusrite scarlett solo and an amp sim for playing. The problem is that the headphones i have (sony wh-900xb) are very focused on extra bass and i really dont like the way it sounds. I ordered the beyerdynamic dt770 pro but i returned it because it was quite uncomfortable, my ear was just a tiny bit to big so the padding was touching my ear.

What headphones are well suited for guitar? i also would like to use them for normal use (mostly youtube videos and some gaming).

I live in the netherlands if that matters for availability


Showing 1 response by tkhill

My AKG K240DFs have served me well in every application for thirty years. Made in Austria, the build quality is excellent. You may need an amplifier to use them on your laptop or other low-power devices, as they are 600-ohm headsets.