Advice for a new analog system

Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your advice.

I have made the decision to venture into the magical world of vinyl.
I was considering a VPI Avenger Direct (round 34K) turntable and CJ or Audio Research phono preamps.
As a cartridge I have in mind the Clearaudio Davinci.
I have been doing some research on Agon and apparently there are a lot of users who don't like VPI and considering the investment in the turntable I imagine there must be many options. 
I prefer the short cut of a single investment for life.
My system is Mc C1100, mc 1.25Kw and Dynaudio Evidence Platinum speakers.

What turntable and system would you recommend, I appreciate your advice.



Showing 1 response by honeyooi

So many you can choose from that price range , be sure you want stay longer in that game. Go check dealer and talk to them ,sure they will want to help and make business with you even can bring to you to Audition it . VPI ,Basis ,Kuzma at my fav. 
Either DD ,belt or even idler vintage is your choice. Good luck at your journey