I've used an Adona rack for 8 years and really like it. People will argue about sonic benefits but I think it makes the background quieter, and the music seems more free from the speakers in my set up. They are also strong, and they look very good. The adjustability of the shelves is a big plus. If you have the spare change, I don't think that you would regret it.
Adona Isolation Platforms
Anybody have any thoughts on Adona Isolation Platforms? Also, I recently started considering the use of platforms but to be quite honest, other than prop my equipment up, I really don't know what they do. Is there a sonic benefit? I don't understand if so, how this is possible. Also, what pieces should be isolated? Right now my main power amp is on a rack with all the other electronics ie preamp & CD Transport power conditioner. To the side I have another power conditioner from Core Power technologies up on an old speaker stand. Would this be a candidate as well along with a BlueSound Streamer and Ayre Codex DAC. My other system has a tube integrated amp which is raised off the ground on another old speaker stand. I have no idea, so any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.