Admitting my error…

Admitting my error of some years ago, when downsizing residences I sold my 1500 lps (my father’s, uncle’s and my collection :) because, of course nearly everything is available digitally, I am considering getting back into vinyl. Kit-wise I’m looking at Dr. Feikert Venti/J Sikora Initial TT level - full kit approx $15k including phonostage.

The Joseph Audio/Doshi/Aurender/J Sikora room at AXPONA simply blew me away. Switching between amazing digital and uber-rich and detailed analog, I kept returning to the room like the sweets table at a Bar Mitzvah. I understand that at $250K the rig was 2x’s mine (Pathos Heritage/Tannoy Kensignton/Innuous MK3/Phoenix USB/NET/Chord HSM/DAVE w/ SJ DC4 ARC6 lpsu. But still the character of the vinyl sound was utterly entrancing.

My question: If I go this route, I’d like to "restock" my collection to some extent by purchasing a reasonably sized vinyl lot, then add selectively over time. Any recommendations as to lot purchasing? ("Don’t do it!" is an acceptable recommendation.)





Showing 1 response by overthemoon

I wouldn’t try to ‘build an extensive vinyl library’ though I think having a turntable is enjoyable. 

I use my turntable less than 10% of the time and it’s a great way to engage friends who like music. 

Digital is good and convenient. And for me the it’s easier to hear new stuff. 

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