Adding tubes to integrated setup

Hi.  New here. I have a Yamaha A-S801 integrated amp.  I have been under the impression it cannot act as a power amp alone.  I have been considering adding tubes to my setup and came across this on PrimaLunas's site that talks about mixing tubes with solid state:

Does this  mean tubes can be added only to a solid state power amplifier or that they can be added to a solid state integrated amplifier as long as it meets the 10x impedance requirement?



You can include a tube component into virtually any system, into any position, with no limitations.   There is only one area that you need to keep in mind.  Running a tube preamp into the small handful of the solid state or tube amplifiers that have an input impedance that falls outside the norm.  We're talking about maybe 1% of the amps out there. 

Don't get stressed.  This is easy stuff.  All you have to do is look at the owner's manual or spec sheet on your amp and you will see something that says "Input impedance".    

If you are adding a tube preamp and hooking it up to an amplifier, the input impedance of the amp should, in general terms, be ten times (or more) the output impedance of the preamp. If it isn’t 10X, or maybe it’s close, you may still get incredible performance."


Showing 2 responses by elliottbnewcombjr

I encourage trying tubes, signal first, then power.

You can plug ANY Line Level Device, Preamp, Processor, Line Controller .... into ANY Line Level Input of ANY Receiver/Integrated Amp/Selector, as long as you are careful with the multiple volume control’s relationship(s).

It can be a great way to get remote volume while using a vintage piece with no remote capability.

Your Yamaha unit has both ’CD Direct’ and ’Pure Direct’. I recommend you read the manual, I would try plugging a tube piece, or tube preamp’s output into the Yamaha’s ’CD Direct’ Input.

You will ’find’ and leave one unit’s volume at a pre-chosen position, and use the other unit’s remote volume control for more or less attenuation.

1. both/all unit’s volume down, connect preamp output to any line level input.

2. integrated/amp volume to 50%.

3. preamp volume slowly up.

Find a mix of the two volume controls for your default ’turn on’ listening volume.

IF you do low level listening, you want to use the Yamaha to lower the volume as it has a ’loudness’ volume feature that is beneficial, read your manual, it’s worth knowing how to properly use it. Maintaining proper bass relative to other frequencies is what keeps low volume music involving.

Select your source at the tube preamp, simply leave the Yamaha on the input the preamp is plugged into.

And, you can use the tube preamp for only a few sources, i.e. Phono and/or Tape out to the Yamaha’s CD Direct Input, and use other sources connected directly into another Yamaha input.

’Pure Direct’ on your Yamaha will bypass all the tone controls, probably bypass it’s balance control so if you use that, better to use the CD Direct.


In my case, I have a chain of 3 volume controls, one vintage tube tuner/preamp manual volume; one remote Line Controller with both remote volume and remote balance (why I use it); one Modern Integrated Amp with remote volume (but no balance control).

Sources to the tube preamp; Preamp to the Line Controller; Line Controller to the Integrated Amp’s default input (CD).

Preamp Vol at 12 o’clock; Integrated amp volume at 12 o’clock; use Line Controller’s remote volume and remote balance. I get it’s built-in automatic and progressive Fletcher Munson ’Loudness’ when I lower the volume, and at my chosen mix of positions I get more than enough volume when I raise the Line Controller’s volume.

What tubes?

Many sound similar, some sound significantly different. It’s not Pandora’s box, but you do need to be aware, ask questions, do some research, and it is hard to have confidence when you have little experience.

Like cartridges, think ’preferred’, not ’better’.

Buying new, with OEM provided tube(s), or buying used with original or _____? tubes in it?

Try to ascertain seller’s knowledge/experience, ask here about specific equipment and specific tubes in it. Ask maker if they still exist.

Tube life? Tubes tested? Tubes should last MANY years, some 10,000 hours,

Once you enter the tube world, I recommend an inexpensive tube tester as fundamental to continued existence. With no tester, you leave yourself blind when problems occur. Short" Signal Strength? Matched Strength? Test new tubes when you buy them.

It is not just power tubes that sound different, I loved the sound of my new to me used Cayin OEM tubes, blew one of it’s 6sl7’s, tried a different brand, new, tested perfectly, hated it’s sound, happily Brent Jesse let me break them in 60 hours, still disliked them, return them and try a different choice, whoopee, sounds great again, and I since found and bought some Cayin branded spares.

OEM ’branded’ tubes, from which maker, which batch, huh? At least I can count on Cayin having decided this batch of this maker’s tubes sound good in their unit.