Adding Tub Preamp to HT setup

I'm consider adding a new tube preamp to my HT setup and I'll have my EAD Signature Processor do all the digital decoding. Would adding tube preamp to my HT benefit my 2-chanel listening?

If yes, is there any tube preamp that has HT pass-through?
My current HT setup:
Transport : Audio Research CDT1
Processor : EAD TM Signature
Power : Jeff Rowland 5
Main Spkrs : B&W Matrix 802 S3

Showing 1 response by soix

Other tube preamps with HT passthroughs you may want to consider: Sonic Frontiers, Rogue, PSE. Great way to seamlessly integrate tubes into your HT system. By the way, are you using the EAD as a DAC?

Whether this will benefit your system goes to personal tastes, and obviously only you can make that call. I would guess the EAD does a decent job with 2-channel, but tubes are a different animal and may or may not yield an "improvement." Of the preamps I listed I found the SF and PSE to be more neutral and Rogue to impart more of the warmth that many traditional tube lovers crave.

I believe once you start demo-ing some of the tube preamps in your system the answer will come pretty quickly and easily one way or the other. Best of luck.
