Adding Sub to current system

I currently have a pair of Sonus Faber Electa speakers. These speakers have 6" and 1" drivers respectively and have a 1st order crossover. The popular magazine test disk demonstrate the speakers go down to about 40HZ. I'm interested in what I'm missing below 40HZ besides just a non-musical "BOOM". I know for a price musical Sub's are available, but would it be an exercise in futility trying to integrate a Sub into my system? The spot I would choose for it would be to the left of my speakers in a corner - your thoughts please!

Showing 1 response by zmanastronomy

To touch on the question of what your missing is questionable.
I can live with a well imaging speaker that rolls off at 40hz.
But you're missing about 10% of the music. If that much.
Good 40hz bass is MUCH better that bloated anything lower.
Sub's are very hard to blend perfectly with satalite speakers.
Once you've had full range speakers and then go the Satalite + sub, there's definatly a differance.
Just my two cents worth. John