Adding Home Theater To 2 Channel System

I have a two channel system that I am very happy with located in a dedicated listening room.  I am considering how to add home theater without giving up the two channel sound that I enjoy.  My main speakers are Avantgarde UNO’s (horn speakers - 18 ohm, 108 db sensitivity). Avantgarde does not make a center channel speaker.  I assume that I will have a problem matching any box speaker center channel speaker with the Avantgarde - my worry is incoherent sound.  Is this something I should worry about?  Are there center channel speakers that might be a good match (I have been unable to find any obvious candidates ohm/sensitivity match)?  Is it likely that I will need to find a new set of front speakers from the same brand as the center speaker?

The rest of my setup: Pass Labs XA 60.8, Audio Research Ref 6 preamp, SME 20/2 turntable, Lumin x1 streamer, Ayon CD player, REL 812/S subs (2)

Showing 1 response by harrylavo

I did that about fifteen years ago.  The main thing is: ditch the center channel.  If you have really good speakers and placement, keep them and bridge the R/L speakers in lieu of a center channel.  You stereo will stay perfect that way, and you'll hardly miss a center channel (certainly better than a mismatched one).  Add the rear speakers and essentially run a quad system. 

This lesson did not come easily.  I started with five full range Thiel speakers .... the sound quality was superb .... the stereo imaging sucked until I removed the center speaker and experimented with bridging, which I could do either in the Oppo or in the surround preamp.  The main problem is that surround is mixed to a set speaker placement that has the L/R speakers much further apart and forward of the center to get decent surround imaging.  It sucks for stereo.  If you keep a center but put the L/R in their normal stereo position, you get a cramped front soundstage and slightly uneven side imaging ... more front/back than  it should be.

I've never seen this recommended anywhere but believe me it is real.  I found the same thing in three separate rooms as well as with alternative speakers.  Try it for yourself.  You'll find I'm right.