Adding an ignore list feature to audiogon

Some other forums have an ignore list feature, which I think could be quite helpful and useful here. It allows each individual member to create an ignore list. This is a list of other members whose posts that individual does not wish to see. When members on the list post, it will show that they posted, but the text of their post will not be be displayed. The posts are only hidden for that member, they will show up like normal for all other members (unless they also have the poster on their ignore list)

I believe adding this feature would help reduce conflict and controversy, while still allowing everyone to post freely. It would also make the moderators' job easier. I'm not sure if the forum software audiogon uses supports this feature, but, if it does, they should definitely look into implementing it.


Showing 12 responses by mahgister

I thought this was the truth:



This image only complement the other, but here instead of enlarging our pespective, it is asked for us blinds people to communicate with all the other blinds one like us to figure it out...Because truth is so vast and deep, enlarging our perspective is not enough, we must appeal to others testimonies and experiences...

Thanks nonoise for this beautiful image...

My best to you....

i think you are right....Me best to you and deepest respects....

There are sad times ahead if nothing changes.

Thanks maxwave...For this image...

 Here truth is portrayed as a an experience which is achieved after starting from a limited perspective and going to a larger one...

This journey starting from a limited perspective to a larger one is the "motor" of most of the young students i deal with... Nostalgia after my retirement for sure....


I do not want to hyjack this thread , but truth is a highly philosophical thematic

Even Jesus had not answered Pointus Pilates , when asked what is ´´ Truth ´´

( by the way , I have no belief , what so ever , about God , etc )

People in their 20s 30 years ago were full of dreams.

People in their 20s today are full of fears about what’s next with the climate.



Truth is a craving of the soul...Not mainly something we can wrote about in a legal trial....

No answer can feed our thirst for truth save the "water" flowing through all living creatures......

And young people dreams are seeds waiting for waters ....

Nowadays the world prepared for us by "criminals" deprive the youngs of their dreams...The dreams are SOLD to them at a cheap price...

And anyway this thread about an "ignore button" is only a new nail in the coffin of "truth" at worst, at best it suggest a tool to eliminate for some what is perceived like moskitoes bites......

There is no truth manifestation in the world WITHOUT enthusiam and awe for all that exist, especially our fellow men ...


«Truth is a living process we are all into  not a legal trial»-Anonymus Smith


Dam , you are old :-)



In my job i was not interested often with people over 35 years old...

I recognized myself only with 20 years old people and under 30...

Because they are in a search for truth...Grown up are less so...

Old people were not very interesting to me at the times....

But to be frank i only can be happy with "young"  minds  of any biological age looking for truth....

I am moved by  very ,very old people, who think about truth also...

In between it lack something for me ...I will call it passion ....





I have always wonder if it was you or a picture., that we see

Out of curiosity , how old are you.

70 years old...

The photo is the photo of a great russian artist Alexander Vertinsky playing a "Pierrot" an italian character in street theater...I like a lot the russian artist and his take with the "Pierrot" figure...Pierrot is the deceived lover of Colombine....His character is a perfect  mix of sadness and humor....The russian take on his character is the peak of this theater persona...

Any child in a hospital is ours...

Any parent diying is ours...

Music cannot erase this fact...

Then we must be brothers not foes in a ridiculous small war in an audio thread...

The problem is i am too old body with a too young immature passion....

My audio passion has increased in the last weeks...

I discovered i dont have a clue about what "sound" is really...I am not alone by the way in this case....

And it is enebriating ectasy to listen music like an unrolling film thinking about that : what is sound and what is  its  relation to music and life and to my room acoustic...

People lies easily...

They read the posts they dont want to read anyway...Like i did...

If they have time for sure...

Hate is a more powerful drive than indifference...

But it ask for more energy and then people ask for an "ignore button" to help them manage their hate or repulses....

Anyway a thinking process ask for the same amount of energy than an hating reactive process...And it is more useful for a reply than insulting...




«Hate is a button without holes»-Groucho Marx 🤓

« Is it not a shield ?»- Harpo Marx


You are too kind to me...Thanks....

But my posts could be alas! repetitive, heavy, not always clear and simple...

And i like too much discussions, missing the students because i am now retired that i sometimes go too far in the discussion and i interrupt and diverge " at sea" too much...

I know myself... 😁😊

But anybody is FREE to ignore me even without a button....




«Why do you put cotton in your ears in front of your always silent computer brother?»-Harpo Marx

«Because they dont have an "ignore button"»-Groucho Marx 🤓

«The only person i want to ignore with an "ignore button" is myself»-Groucho Marx🤓


The greatest Greek discovery is "discussion"....