Adding a Second Sub

I am debating buying a second sub to have stereo subs. I have Sonus Faber Extremas and a Rel Stentor. I would really like to hear from people that have done this and what they thought of it. Were there any drawbacks? What were the advantages? Did it make a huge difference?

Showing 1 response by sugarbrie

You have a great sub, so two Stentors will be even better. Should make the stereo image even better. There are no drawbacks I know of other than cost and whether the space can accomodate two subs.

For those others reading, one good sub is better than two cheap ones; so if you want two subs, but cannot afford two good subs for now, do like Perfectimage and get one for now and save up for the second. With one sub for classical listeners, I recommend you put it in the right corner, becaues the bass section in most orchestras is on the right side of the stereo image.

I find my REL sub does the opposite of Dr_Joe, more dynamic and better separation with the sub. All instruments have a sonic signature larger than the main sound. The better separation happens with the sub because the sub fills in the lower part of the frequency signature of each instrument that the speakers don't reproduce well. The sub must be integrated properly for this to work. A properly integrated sub will be invisible. You won't be able to tell where the speakers stop and the sub takes over. Integrating a sub takes time and lots of listening, but its worth the effort IMHO.