Adding a dedicated Preamp and Hi Res Streamer

Hello Audiophiles , Need you input on perhaps adding a dedicated preamp and HI Res streamer to my current system . I was thinking about the MCintosh C-53 as a preamp . What other options do you recommend for the preamp and for a Hi RES music sreamer to improve the sound quality without "breaking the bank " .

I heard about the Parasound JC2 BP - how does it compare to the C53 ? Any other preamps ? 

I'm using Amazon Music HD for hi res audio streaming and need the new streamer to control it in the app and on the TV screen (as I have in the the Marantz via Heos) - not as Apple play or bluetooth .

Marantz AV8805 (currently used for HT and music , streaming , etc 


MC 1.2 KW - L / R main

MC 601 - Center

MC 452 surround

Sub: Velodyne DD 15 .

Speakers : Wilson Audio :

Sasha (newer tweeters) - main .

Watch , Series 2 - center .

Speakercraft inwall AIM Cinema 5  - surrounds .

I have 3 dedicated circuits .

Power cables : Audioquest Monsoon (main) and Pangea AC 9SE MKII (rest of amps) and Pangea AC 14 XL MKII  (for the Marantz AV8805).






Showing 1 response by jetset

Thank you both for your input and sorry for the delayed reply as I was out of sync with my audio due to being very busy with work . 

UPDATE : I have decided to order the Mcintosh C53  preamp and Iam suppose to get it this week , I was advised and  feel it will enhance and open up the sound stage in my huge open space and bad accoustic great room (approx 1200 SF that opens up to another 600 SF area with 22' high ceiling with more glass then walls & marble floor) . My debate is in regards to the music streamer between the all around convinient nice A/V presentation of the Hifi Rose 150B or any of the Aurenders or Lumin untis (U2 Mini  , no DAC for streamer only or T2 w/dac) or any of the more expensive Aurenders ACS10 , N10 , etc which I wonder if the high price will come with a substential twice as better sound stage as the price tag difference form the Hifi Rose 150B or the Lumin T2 .

I want to be able to utilize the USB input of the newer DA2 DAC in the MC-53 to maximize the hi res potential .

Any input/ recommendation will be greatly appreciated .