adding a DAC/Streamer or what

Good morning,
I have Kef Ref 5's and likely adding a Pass Lab Int 250. Wondering everyones opinion on DAC/Streamers? Also does this equipment need to have high price tags to sound great on this system. At this point, I am not thinking of getting into Vinyl.
I really appreciate input before I make this purchase!


Showing 3 responses by jjss49

the voicing of modern dacs goes well beyond the specific d-to-a conversion technology used -- modern bitstream chips can be voiced to sound very very analog-like (and virtually indistinguishable to r2r conversion units, be it through discrete resistor ladders or on silicon equivalents) -- it is mostly about the power supply design and analog output stage design ... smart designers often bring the tonal ’magic’ of high quality output transformers, or vacuum tubes, or just a plain ol’ super high quality, ultra clean amplifier circuit -- to enhance the sound to be pleasant to the ears
can't say i have tried any 10k dacs but i would say there must be rapidly diminishing returns over 3-4-5 grand

maybe i am wrong - no doubt owners of 10k dacs will say so  :)
go to youtube

watch john darko audio 3 part series on basics of music streaming - good tutorial for beginners, well explained, easy to watcg -- so you are not shooting in the dark