Addendum to

My answer to that, unfortunately, is nothing! My CD/DVD player is broken down, once again, by the use by McIntosh of a crappy Denon transport mechanism (from a 2930).

The parent company, DNM Holdings, dictated its use. So my MVP 871 is out of service, until I can find a new transport. Second time in three years.

My turntable hasn't broken down, even though it's nearly 50 years old. How many CD players will still be going strong 50 years from now? None, I would venture to say.

I just thought I'd vent a little, but the truth is, with the right record, vinyl does sound better. And, it still works. There. I've said it.

Happy New Year,
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan

Showing 2 responses by grannyring

Ya, just like LP's were dead 20 years ago. Keep spinning as many of us will keep spinning.
Good for you Dan! Perhaps you can find one or two more and store them!
I agree 1,000,000% with you and your feeling about computers as they relate to music. I have enough of them at work etc.....Give me those discs and let me relax.