Added an SUT...not sure I understood this

I just added a Denon AU-320 step-up transformer in between my AT-OC9XML cart and my ARC SP-14 preamp.  I am glad that the (relatively quiet) hum that had been present before is now gone...and I mean gone...since that was what motivated me to add an SUT.


I sort of expected that I would also experience a noticeable increase in gain.  Specifically, using the 40-ohm (10X) tap, I would have expected maybe a 6-8 dB increase in volume, and more with the 3 ohm tap.  I am not hearing that, and in fact am getting the opposite effect.  This means I actually have to peg the volume control if I want to achieve 95 dB levels at my listening position, something I rarely, but still occasionally, do.

Also, I removed the 22-ohm loading resistor upon connecting the SUT.  I noticed previously that a 40-ohm loading still had the cart sounding pretty bright.  But with no loading and using the 40-ohm tap, things sound natural.  I sort of expected I was going to need to add a 40-ohm resistor (at the tonearm) to achieve the same loading.

All of this confuses me; I'm happy so far with the sound yet perplexed.  Perhaps some good Samaritan here will be able to explain why I am hearing what I am hearing.  in the meantime, I'm just going to enjoy my quieter background. 

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Showing 2 responses by jasonbourne52

A Schiit Mani 2 ($150) with its mc gain setting probably will sound better than the SP14 phono/SUT combination.