there's one station i listen to - wpfw, howard u's (in wash., d.c.) radio station that plays a lot of yazz, world-music, & latin music, which i enjoy immensely, and there's lotsa times i can yust park myself in front of the rig & let the guy/gal in the booth choose the toons...sure, my cd-player & turntable sound better, but the sound from the fm-source is way-respectable, & it's easy to get inwolwed in/the music & forget about the electronics...
and, yes, i tink the revox tunas are great digital tunas - one of the few (are there any others?) that can be fine-tuned. i currently use a b261 in my bedroom, & it can be tuned in 0.125mhz increments. its sound is wery close to that of my onix, but it's a hair cooler - i prefer the warmer, almost toob-like quality of the onix...
regards, doug