Adcom GFP 750 Processor Bypass Loop

Hi Everyone,

I have a burning question about the HT function which is very essential to my set up. There is a HT loop output on 750. I don't understand how it works. I originally thought that I would connect my AV processor to the Processor loop in and then connect the preamp main output to my power amp directly.

The HT loop output confuses me. What do you use it for? Does it mean I connect my power amp to the HT loop output instead of the main output?

What happens if I connect main balanced output from 750 to my power amp while connecting my AVP using unbalanced to the preamp? Will it change the signal from unbalanced to balanced?

Thank you all for the kind help.

Ag insider logo xs@2xkmtkwong
This is great explanation. I followed the instruction and connected from Receiver out to GPT-750 "Processor In" and left "Processor Out" open; there is no sound. However, when I connected from Receiver out to GPT-750 "Processor Out" and left "Processor In" open; I got the HT Bypass function. Anyone knows why? Can someone upload a picture of the GTP-750 IC Connection or more detail connection of the GPT-750.
For those who are interested in knowing the answers to the questions in the original post:

I got my GFP 750 and hooked it up. The HT bypass works great!! You can essentially ignore the "Processor out" connection.

One great thing is that the preamp transforms unbalanced signal into balanced one for output. Very convenient feature. The HT bypass is totally transparent. I don't have to re-adjust the level in my AV processor.

This is a great preamp at the used price. Very pleased to have it now.