ADC XLM mkII Cartridge. Should I bother...

Wondering if anyone has any first hand experience with the ADC XLM mkII.

I purchased an SME 3009 Series II and the seller threw in this cartridge. Cantilever was broken so there is no trying it.

Jico sells a shibata stylus that I’m thinking might be a decent sounding fit for this.

My 2M Black is in need of replacement - too many hours - and I am not ready to get a MC cartridge at the moment, so I figured this could be a good bridge that won’t cost too much to get going.

If anyone has had any experience with this particular cartridge, would love to hear your thoughts.




Showing 1 response by lewm

ADC XLM was once a very highly regarded cartridge.  Because it was relatively inexpensive yet so widely loved, I would guess that the production run was huge, as cartridges go. Problem is it requires a very low mass tonearm, as others have mentioned, and it was therefore often abused in medium to high mass tonearms.  In keeping with J Carr's notion to replace like with like, when it comes to re-tipping, I would suggest you use a new stylus assembly that is most like the original.  Was that aluminum cantilever with an elliptical tip? I think so. (I am not saying elliptical is state of the art by any means, only that the rest of the cartridge was designed around that shape.)